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Shooting Ball and Kontinental Shooting League

We write the history for better future and make again the first steps in new direction in Kontinental Shooting League (KSL)


Date 9/05/2015 was organised by Arsenal SC on Komarno range the second Handgun match under IPSC rules „ARSENAL CUP 2015“, Level3. Trendy stages were challenging for 141 shooters from 8 countries. Well-known shooters where shooting on 12 stages. The attractivity of the match was taking the care of original service during the match, refreshment delivery for shooters straight to stages …

Central European Spring Challenge in Debrecen

  We want to say thank you for very nice representation our club Arsenal SC and IPSC. We wish you all the best in new shooting season not even at home ranges but also on a the ranges abroad. OPEN overall: 1 100,00 1195,8490 31 Cislák, Gabriel SVK 2 95,22 1138,6351 64 Szabó, Alexander S SVK 3 83,43 997,7485 40 …

The Award Ceremony SADS 2014

Date 14/03/2015 was special for all shooters and ROs in Slovak Association of Dynamic Shooting, All of them were awarded for their addition on the shooting range. Award for members of Arsenal SC: EXTRALIGA 2014: STANDARD LADY –  2. place  Janette Haviarová OPEN REGULAR – 2. place Alexander Szabó OPEN SENIOR – 1. place Alexander Szabó The most active Range …

RELAX Practice II

Alsa Pro Shooting Team from Czech republic organised training match. Sportsmen come from Slovakia, Czech and Poland. High quality stages were testing by registered shooters. The match was special in its running, because every stage could shooters shoot twice, but only first try was rated. Two of our club members attended this first spring outdoor match too – Janette Haviarová …

Awarding Ceremony of the Best Sportsman of the region.

Dom kultúry v Jesenskom bol v piatok večer plný športovcov. Najlepší jednotlivci a kolektívy z okresu Rimavská Sobota a Revúca si za svoje výsledky v uplynulom roku prevzali ocenenia. Vyhodnotenie športových úspechov zorganizovalo Okresné združenie telesnej kultúry, Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj a Obec Jesenské. Ceny udelili týmto športovcom: Kategória: žiaci 1. miesto: Sofia Klementová – plávanie a Viktor Gunár – zápasenie …

Slovak cup

The competition full of rain and mud. My time on this stage was best time: 3,63s


  New issue of the IPSC WORLD MAGAZINE 2015 – Slovak republic and Slovak Association of Dynamic Shoooting is in!!! … article Regional Rambling on pages 18-19. https://flipflashpages.uniflip.com/3/45583/345150/pub/html5.html